
Giant anteaters, or the Myrmecophaga tridactyla, as some freaks like to call it, is a large beastly creature. They are super dangerous, can easily kill big cats like jaguars, and even in some cases have been seen to harm people (in self deffense, but i pinky promise I'll explain that story 2 U L8ER.

these absolute behemoths get up to around two to three feet tall, and weight around 65 to 140 ish lbs (for my non americans that would be 29- 63 kg, Im not willing to figure out your shite height system so you're on your own on that) Their anatomy is neat because they have two to three inch claws, that easily break through things as hard as concrete, or possibly things as soft as your pathetic human bone and flesh.

although these demented creatures seem to truly be horrid, they are actually relatively friendly. The only two cases ive managed to find where they have been found to attack puny humans, have been in one case between 2010 and 2012, One giant anteater attacks, and kills two hunters.(real and valid) and another case (that I for some reason CANNOT find a refference for, so it may just be made up) Where a giant anteater was out with it's pup, and two dogs from some weirdo's home came running at it. Obviously, the poor creature was startled and attacked the dogs (again, couldnt find my scource, pretty sure one of the two dogs survived with minor injuries) The owner went out to get his dogs (rip that one that might not have even existed) and managed to get them away from the ceatin(affectionate), but not before gaining a large ass scar on his leg. The giant anteater managed to scratch his leg DOWN TO THE BONE!!! seriously man, these guys arent to be fadangled with. (sorry if fadangled is not a word that can be found in the dictionary) Giant anteaters are well known to easily kill jaguars when threatened.

Despite their god-given strength, they are insectavores. they eat fuckinng bugs(around 30000 per day). truly it is worse./ref again, despite thier beautiful fucking name, they mostly eat termites. those little FREAKS who eat wood and infest homes. Despite all this bullshit, Giant anteaters themselves have been shown to be extremely smart. They've learned to actually FARM termite hills. They break off small parts of the hills, and get ONLY what they need. they then rotate between multiple hills to give termites time to rebuild and repopulate.

they're anatomy is my favorite part about them. I've already spoke about their claws, but that isn't the only thing that's absolutely delightful. They have long tongues, they're around 2 feet long, and are attatched to thier apendix. They are also pround owners of huge fluffy tails. their tails are used to keep them warm on cold nights, kind of like a blanket.